
Something wonderful happened that very moment you took your first breath!

The Stars twinkled in delight with seeing you and have been loving you ever since

By aligning with the cosmos of you, you can literally reach the stars. It’s all been mapped from the very beginning.

Make the most of your time on Earth!

Have you had charts or reads done and are none- the -wiser? Here we go: for

+ Top things to do to sort out your struggles

+Get a larger pic of you, so you can adoringly read it in your spare time

+ Specific steps that turn up your magic and dial down your tangles

Ever wanted to turn yourself in? Or take a holiday from yourself? Want someone to tell you what to do and where to go?

This is exactly that.

It’s an unboxing of you.

The greatest gift ever!

Divine insight into your 8 COSMIC KEYS



This is your home base. This is the twinkle in your eyes - your essence. This is the kitchen table, the centre of your expression, the special ‘IT’ factor that makes you YOU.


This shows you how you create wealth. You could say it’s the food on your table, this is the impulse that gets you cooking.


Your personal style of relating with others from the mundane to the intimate. Create peace within, peace between that special other, and peace amongst many others. Peace and love!


Work: how to make money, what your job is, and why this is so empowering and fulfilling for you. How to connect the dots. And if it’s not: get in-depth careers reads here:



How you downtime… how to hobby like a pro ( not depleting, not stressing, just fun. This area also influences how you relate to children yours or others


Life & Soul purpose and emotional fulfillment. What you came here for this time ‘round. A LIFE WELL LIVED!

Vital Body

Your emotional and energetic needs. How to ride the waves of Life. Learn to float rather than struggle.


How to achieve great health in accordance with your unique energy. Your home environment.

“Beyond just an astrology read. I felt so understood by this approach that Natalie gives. So liberating and so valuable. It helped me get clear insight and allow me to take practical action in key areas of my life, unlocking things I had been searching for.”

+ Do you need my exact birth details?

Yes, I will need your time and date of birth, along with your location. This will give an accurate assessment of your entry into this world and give us a thorough insight.

+ Can you tell me when I will meet princess or prince charming?

In this chart, we look at the cosmic self, based on the fixed reality of life, which is unchanging. The tantriks knew that using a fixed zodiac was ideal as this mirrors the essence of our non-changing self, the Atman, or soul.

+ Do I need to practice yoga or know anything about ayurveda?

Not at all. The planets are archetypal energies that live within us regardless of culture or personal practices. We harness their energy to understand ourselves as individuals. Drawing on ancient wisdomfor practical remedies to strengthen what is already YOU.